In the late twentieth century, wine packaging saw an innovation, the boxed wine. With the introduction of boxed wines came convenient dispensing, improved storage, a better surface for graphics display and a solution to some of the weight issues caused by large glass bottles. However, over-packaging is now an issue, as the box contains a bag, which in turn contains the wine.
In these times we are looking forward, landfills are reaching critical mass and deforestation is on our minds. In general everything seems to need to be more compact, less wasteful and more transportable. We’re all being challenged to REDUCE.
Now, twenty-first century innovation has come to wine packaging again, Stand-Up pouches in the form of the BarrelPaQ Pouch. These Stand-Up pouches are superior to boxes and large glass bottles in many ways. The BarrelPaQ Pouch is a simple approach, superior to boxes, in the use of one container for one product, no extra packaging using precious resources. The BarrelPaQ Pouches are also better adapted, in design shape, to display their superior graphics. The BarrelPaQ Pouches are lighter, have a built in tap for ease of use, handles built into the packaging for easy transport, and when emptied, the pouches collapse for easy disposal with minimal space used in our bins and landfills. These aspects prove the BarrelPaQ Pouches to be superior in most applications to large bottles or boxes.
The BarrelPaQ Pouch is a true innovation in wine packaging. The pouch is a single container, like a bottle, but with the built in handle and spout it is like the box, without the over-packaging. The BarrelPaQ Pouch proves to be the best of both package types without the drawbacks of either.
The BarrelPaQ Pouch can also be used for many other beverages, soups, sauces, condiments and oils. Really the uses are almost unlimited. Please contact a packaging expert to learn more about this revolutionary innovative package.