Stand-Up Pouches

Stand-Up Pouches

From a marketing perspective, the pouch is a dream come true, offering brands the ability to differentiate through seemingly infinite printability options and the ability to offer many different and convenient re-sealable closures.  Furthermore, the application of specially designed laminates means that pouches can offer retort properties, making it a real alternative to metal and plastic rigid enclosures.

More and more, consumer and commercial goods manufacturers are shifting focus away from more traditional, rigid packaging options.  Stand-Up pouches continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in packaging with new functionality being developed at a very rapid pace.

Utilizing a Stand-Up pouch for premium shelf appeal is a popular option as the flexibility of the solution is broad. Retort pouches can be manufactured in numerous sizes and shapes selection of the correct packaging material provides superb product protection, optimal chemical resistance, oxygen barrier, easy open and reclose, excellent consumer storage, the ability to microwave and many more features.

Our extensive experience in the production of multi-layer barrier laminates for food products, coupled with demand from the market, means that our pouch products are often used as modified atmosphere packaging. A Stand-Up pouch can drastically increase shelf life and reduce food waste.

PPI offers numerous Stand-Up pouch options for customers including:

  • Shaped Pouch
  • Spouted Pouch
  • Liquid Pouch
  • Printed Pouch
  • Box Pouch
  • Reclosable Pouch (Zipper, Hook & Loop, Slider, Press-to-close)
  • Retort Pouch
  • Foil Barrier Pouch
  • Inverted Pouch
  • Wicket Pouch
  • Frangible Seal Pouch
  • Multi-Compartment Pouch

Why Pouches? Stand-Up Pouch Benefits

If you’re wondering “Why should I switch to pouches?”, here are some of the benefits:

  • Sustainability – Consumes less energy and requires fewer natural resources to produce, result in a higher product to package ratio. Also requires fewer trucks for transport, using less fuel and creating less emissions.
    Consumer Convenience – Gives consumers the convenience to tear open the pouch to access the contents, along with grip seal closures utilized to enable easy opening or sealing for repeated use of products
  • Customization – Pouches are truly flexible and adaptable. You can customize the shape, size and materials according to your specifications.
  • Cost Reduction – Pouches use fewer resources to produce than other common types of packaging, lowering costs of production.
  • Differentiation – allows manufacturers to print eye-catching, unique, and high-quality custom designs to help increase product visibility in retail settings.
  • Contemporary Design – Ease of customization and modern look allow much more creative and contemporary design options compared to traditional packaging.
  • Improved Shelf Life and Durability – Flexible packaging is made from high-grade materials, and extends the shelf life of many products.

To meet the demands of your business, it is essential that you work with a contract manufacturer that has the capability to develop, produce and distribute the products your customers demand. Our business has grown because we help your business grow – our success lies in our ability to provide consistent high-quality products, unsurpassed speed-to-market and efficient supply chain management.

As your trusted partner PPI will participate in your pouch design, manufacture the pouch, align your pouch to be contract filled and shipped – that is our total responsibility along with maximizing your profitability.

Flexible Packaging Technology

Pouch Filling

Not only is our packaging flexible, but our filling alignments are as well!

Polymer Packaging is aligned with cGMP, ISO, FDA Cosmetic and FDA Over-The-Counter Drug registered facilities offering contract pouch and bag-in-box filling services. So essentially we can have almost any solid or liquid pouch filled, including alcohol pouches. We are aligned fully vetted and approved contract fillers or set you up with filling capability at your facility.

Fitment(Spout) & Cap Selection

When it comes to flexible pouches a fitment is required which provides all the benefits of a rigid packaging’s wide selection of closures. The fitment can be placed almost anywhere along the sides, edges or top of the pouch. Anything from choke proof caps for kids to a sprayer attachment for home cleaning products. We can help you with this fitment/cap selection process in order to meet your customer, marketing, regulatory and other packaging requirements.

Printer Film Lamination

One of the major benefits of flexible film is the ability to create a structure that exactly meets your needs or specifications for barrier, shelf life, protection, printing and overall look and feel of your product! First we determine what barrier or protection is required and then we mate that to the correct materials for the look and feel of your pouches. One of our industry leading barrier materials that we provide is coextruded PVDC which provides a much better barrier than EVOH and does not degrade with exposure to moisture.

Shaped Pouches

This is the fun part! We work collaboratively with you to design your pouch to fit your marketing and branding guidelines. This is done in a way that seamless integrates with your industry and the various nuances of flexible packaging. We can handle or help with everything from early stage design concepts to prepress and production ready artwork. At the end of the day we want to make sure that the structural shape, graphic design and fitment/cap selection are designed seamlessly into a gorgeous pouch.

Technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes and that is what PPI is all about.

Using the 30 years of pouch experience PPI brings expertise on the newest innovations possible in the pouch industry today.

Having experienced first-hand the challenges of working with separate independent suppliers within the pouch industry it became abundantly clear that without the close coordination of the suppliers of film, printing, fitment selection, pouch production and filling services any project is destined to be challenging at best.

Providing that forward thinking and using the most technically advanced printing, pouch making and filling alignments allows PPI to not only provide top quality pouches but also innovative designs that will enhance your client’s experience.

Manufacturing unique pouches along with bag-in-box solutions demonstrates that PPI is leading the industry with the complete answer for your entry into the fast-growing world of pouch packaging.


PPI provides customers a variety of re-closable pouches and pouch ancillary items. These customer convenience components add flexibility and functionality to our pouches, and allow for further customization of our product line. Our goal at PPI is to provide our customers with reliable, product tested solutions, which are tailored to each customers needs. We will work with you to make sure a value added and unique component solution is achieved.

PPI offers the following components:

  • Spouts
  • Rails
  • Closures (Zippers, Sliders, Hook & Loop, Press-to-Close)